Before we think about managing remote employees, it is better to know that more than 55% of worldwide brands work remotely to advance their goals; they have found it helpful, and more than 77% of them say it is very productive for their company and business.
Fortunately, many of the challenges you might face in managing remote employees have already been solved by experienced ones. In this article, we will talk about some of the most common challenges and solutions.
Abandon micromanagement
Probably most managers who you know love micromanagement! The fact that you constantly comment on people’s work and want complete supervision of the process of carrying out the activities you have assigned to people is not practical, even if it has the opposite result.
You have to manage the work by building a sincere relationship and mutual trust while maintaining a balance in behavior and supervision with the employees. For this, it is necessary to clarify the deadlines and your concern and focus your particular attention on the results and output of the work instead of focusing on the details of their activities.
Have a consistent automation
If you are a manager who receives a lot of documents and outputs from your employees during the day, not having a coherent system and automation can completely confuse you and leave you out of control.
Defining automation of an intranet system can prevent the dispersion of outputs and give order to your work. Creating this system and advantages such as easy access to documents and outcomes will help you set up financial affairs and comprehensive data analysis.
Constantly communicate with employees
Frequently provide your employees the information and data they need, so they don’t lose your line of thought. For each project, thoroughly talk your staff through the goals and operations needed to complete the project successfully and equip their minds with the necessary tools.
Hire employees who can manage themselves
No matter how compelling your remote management and control are, your team members often do not have access to you. To hire people, you should look for those with specialized skills in the relevant field and self-management skills. As a result, you should look for skills that show the management ability of that person.
- Check previous job position and work history of people
- Pay special attention to planning and time management skills
If you choose the right person from the beginning, your work as a collection manager will be much easier.
Clearly describe your expectations of people
The fact that employees understand their job responsibilities in the face-to-face workplace does not mean that remote employees also know what is expected of them in this field.
People may need guidance and clear instructions on achieving the goals you set for them.
State your expectations of your employees before starting the project and describe the priorities. Explain the reports they have to deliver to you. Also, be realistic about your expectations about attending meetings, responding to emails, and when they are allowed to call you or communicate with you outside of business hours.
In the end, It’s interesting to know that 82% of employers expect to allow remote work options post-pandemic! Who would have thought that in the past few years, especially after the spread of the Corona pandemic, the topic of remote work would be so much discussed?
If you also use this method and remote employees to organize your brand or organization, ensure that you always follow your team members to see their challenges and take action to solve them. Also, optimize systems and operations to be a great manager and leader.
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